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•• Επισκεφθείτε τον ιστότοπο των αποφοίτων μας:  και στείλτε μας την προσωπική σας ιστορία! ••
•• Επισκεφθείτε τον ιστότοπο των αποφοίτων μας:  και στείλτε μας την προσωπική σας ιστορία! ••

Παύλος Πέππας

Τμήμα Διοικητικής Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών

Προσωπικά Στοιχεία
Ονοματεπώνυμο: Παύλος Πέππας

Ημ/νία Γέννησης: 29 Νοέμβρη 1965

Οικογενειακή Κατάσταση: Έγγαμος με δύο κόρες

Διεύθυνση Εργασίας: Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων
Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών, Πάτρα 265 00

Τηλέφωνο: 2610 997 700 (Γραφείο)



  • Αυγ. 1994: Διδακτορικό (PhD), Dept of Computer Science, University of Sydney, Australia (τίτλος διατριβής, “Belief Change and Reasoning about Action”).
  • Ιουλ. 1988: Δίπλωμα Μηχανικού Ηλεκτρονικών Υπολογιστών και Πληροφορικής, Πολυτεχνική Σχολή, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών (τίτλος διπλωματικής εργασίας: “Ευρετικές Μέθοδοι για NP-Hard Προβλήματα”).


  • Δεκ. 2013 – σήμερα: Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών.
  • Νοέ. 2003 – Δεκ. 2013: Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών.
  • Ανά διαστήματα από 2005 – σήμερα: Συνεργαζόμενο Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό (ΣΕΠ), ΠΛΗ10, ΠΛΗ20, ΠΛΗ31, Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο.
  • Σεπ. – Ιουν., 2010 – 2012: Συνεργαζόμενο Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό (ΣΕΠ), Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου (με 10μηνη σύμβαση για κάθε ακαδημαϊκό έτος).
  • Φεβ. 2003 – Νοέ. 2003: Διακεκριμένος Ερευνητής, AIT – Athens Information Technology, Αθήνα.
  • Ιαν. 2000 – Ιουλ. 2001: Μηχανικός Η/Υ, INTRASOFT, Αθήνα.
  • Νοε. 1993 – Δεκ. 1999: Λέκτορας και στην συνέχεια Επίκουρος Καθηγητής (με μονιμότητα), Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Australia.

Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα

Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη με έμφαση στην Αναπαράσταση Γνώσης και Λογική, εφαρμογές Αναθεώρησης Πεποιθήσεων στην Τεχνολογία Λογισμικού και στην Διαχείριση Γνώσης, Τροπική Λογική, Μηχανική Μάθηση, και Υπολογιστική

Διακρίσεις – Βραβεία

  • Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia (2001 – 2004).
  • Australian Postgraduate Research Award (1990 – 1994).
  • Fujitsu Foundational Scholarship (1990).
  • Έπαινος από την Ελληνική Μαθηματική Εταιρεία για την κατάληψη της 7ης θέσης (πανελληνίως) στον Διαγωνισμό Μαθηματικών του 1983.

Ακαδημαϊκές Επισκέψεις

  • Αυγ. 2001 – Σεπ. 2001: Επισκέπτης Ερευνητής School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia.
  • Σεπ. 1997 – Φεβ. 1998: Επισκέπτης Ερευνητής, Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών, & Πολυτεχνείο Πατρών.
  • Αυγ. 1996 – Ιού. 1997: Επισκέπτης Ερευνητής, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia.
  • Νοε. 1994 – Φεβ. 1995: Επισκέπτης Ερευνητής, Dept of Computer and Information Science, Linkoping University, Sweden.
  • Σεπ. 1994 – Οκτ. 1994: Επισκέπτης Ερευνητής, Τμήμα Φιλοσοφίας, University of Konstanz, Germany.


Διδακτική Εμπειρία

Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών

  • Προγραμματισμός Η/Υ (Java). Μάθημα του 2ου έτους όπου γίνεται μια εισαγωγή στον προγραμματισμό υπολογιστών με Java.
  • Τεχνολογίες Διαδικτύου. Μάθημα του 4ου έτους όπου εξετάζονται οι βασικές τεχνολογίες του Internet.
  • Θεωρία Παιγνίων. Μάθημα του 4ου έτους που εξετάζει θέματα της Θεωρίας Παιγνίων (Game Theory).
  • Μαθηματικά Ι. Μάθημα του 1ου έτους όπου γίνεται εισαγωγή στον Διαφορικό Λογισμό και στην Άλγεβρα Πινάκων.
  • Λογική στην Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη. Μεταπτυχιακό μάθημα στο Διαπανεπιστημιακό Πρόγραμμα “Λογική και Θεωρία Αλγορίθμων και Υπολογισμού”.
  • Τεχνητή Εξαγωγή Συμπερασμάτων και Αποφάσεων. Μεταπτυχιακό μάθημα στο πρόγραμμα “Νέες Αρχές Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων (ΜΒΑ)”.
  • Θεωρία Παιγνίων και Λήψη Αποφάσεων. Μεταπτυχιακό μάθημα στο πρόγραμμα “Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων – (ΜΒΑ)”.
  • Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη. Μάθημα του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών (ΗΜΤΥ) στην διδασκαλία του οποίου συμμετέχω μαζί με συναδέρφους από το τμήμα ΗΜΤΥ.

Macquarie University

  • COMP124 – Computing and Information Systems I. Μάθημα του 1ου έτους που καλύπτει τις βασικές έννοιες της Επιστήμης των Υπολογιστών.
  • COMP323 – Optimization. Μάθημα του 3ου έτους που καλύπτει επιλεγμένα θέματα από γραμμικό προγραμματισμό (linear programming) και υπολογιστική πολυπλοκότητα (computational complexity).
  • COMP401 – Computational Logic. Μάθημα του 4ου έτους που εξετάζει εφαρμογές της Λογικής στην Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης.

Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο

  • ΠΛΗ10 – Εισαγωγή στην Πληροφορική.
  • ΠΛΗ20 – Διακριτά Μαθηματική και Μαθηματική Λογική.
  • ΠΛΗ31 – Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη – Εφαρμογές.

Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου

  • ΠΛΗΣ60 – Εξειδικεύσεις Τεχνολογίας Λογισμικού. Μάθημα μεταπτυχιακού επιπέδου που καλύπτει θέματα από Βάσεις Δεδομένων, Εξόρυξη Δεδομένων, και Βάσεις Γνώσης.

Ενδεικτικά Διοικητικά Καθήκοντα

  • Συντονιστής της Ομάδας Εσωτερικής Αξιολόγησης (OMEA) του Τμήματος Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών (2019 – σήμερα).
  • Μέλος της Συγκλήτου του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών ως εκπρόσωπος των Αναπληρωτών Καθηγητών (2008-2009).
  • Μέλος της Επιτροπής Ερευνών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών ως εκπρόσωπος του Τμήματος Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων (2006 – 2010).
  • Μέλος της Συντονιστικής Επιτροπής του μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος “Νέες Αρχές Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων (ΜΒΑ)” στο Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών (2004 – 2006).
  • Co-Director του Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL) στο Computing Department, Macquarie University (1995-1999).
  • Μέλος του Research and Postgraduate Committee στο Computing Department., Macquarie University (1997- 1999).
  • Μέλος του Strategic Planning task force στο Computing Department, Macquarie University (1997).
  • Μέλος του Cross-Cultural Committee, Macquarie University (1996).
  • Μέλος του Undergraduate Curriculum Development Committee, στο Computing Department, Macquarie University (1997).

Οργάνωση Συνεδρίων

Έχω συμμετάσχει στην οργάνωση πολλών επιστημονικών συνεδρίων, σε διάφορους ρόλους, μεταξύ των οποίων είναι κορυφαία διεθνή συνέδρια Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης, όπως τα IJCAI, ΑΑΑΙ, ECAI, KR, κλπ. Συγκεκριμένα, έχω συμμετάσχει στην οργάνωση των παρακάτω συνεδρίων στους ρόλους που αναφέρονται:

  • Local Arrangements Chair, 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2020), Rhodes, Greece, 2020.
  • Senior PC member, 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-PRICAI2020), Yokohama, Japan, 2020.
  • Senior PC Member of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2020), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 2020.
  • PC member of the 11th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2020), Athens, Greece, 2020.
  • PC member, 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19), Macao, China, 2019.
  • PC member, 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA-2019), Patras, Greece, 2019.
  • Steering Committee Member of the International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (2018 – ).
  • PC member of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2018), Stockholm, Sweden, 2018.
  • PC member of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-
    18), Tempe, USA, 2018.
  • PC member of the 10th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2018), Patras, Greece, 2018.
  • PC member of the 13th Symposium on Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense-2017), London, UK, 2017.
  • PC member of the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2016), New York, USA, 2016.
  • PC member of the 15th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-16), Cape Town, South Africa, April 2016.
  • PC member of the 9th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2016), Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2016.
  • Senior PC member of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2015), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015.
  • PC member of the 12th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, Stanford University, March 2015.
  • Senior PC member of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2014), Prague, Czech Republic, August 2014.
  • PC member 14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-14), Vienna, Austria, July 2014.
  • PC member of the 8th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2014), Ioannina, Greece, May 2014.
  • Area Chair of the 13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-12), Rome, Italy, June 2012.
  • Senior PC member of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-11), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
  • PC member of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-10), Lisbon, Portugal, August 2010.
  • PC member of the 6th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2010), Athens, Greece, May 2010.
  • Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee of the 7th Panhellenic Logic Symposium (PLS-09), Patras, Greece, July 2009.
  • PC member of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09), Pasadena, USA, July 2009.
  • PC member of the 9th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense-09), University of Toronto, Canada, June 2009.
  • PC member of the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-08), Patras, Greece, July 2008.
  • PC member of the 23rd National (US) Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-08), Chicago, USA, July 2008.
  • PC member of the 11th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-08), Sydney, Australia, September 2008.
  • PC member of the 21st Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-08), Auckland, New Zealand, December 2008.
  • PC member of the 5th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2008), Syros, Greece, October 2008.
  • PC member of the 6th PanHellenic Logic Symposium (PLS-07), Volos, Greece, July 2007.
  • PC member of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-07), Hyderabad, India, January 2007.
  • PC member of the 22nd National (US) Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-07), Boston, Vancouver, July 2007.
  • PC member of the 20h International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-07), Florida, USA, May 2007.
  • PC member of the 8h International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense-07), Stanford University, USA, March 2007.
  • PC member of the 20th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-07), Gold Coast, Australia, December 2007.
  • Co-Chair of the 3rd Starting AI Researcher Symposium (STAIRS-06), Riva Del Garda, Italy, August 2006.
  • PC member of the 21st National (US) Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI06), Boston, USA, July 2006.
  • PC member of the 4h Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN-06), Heraklion, Greece, May 2006.
  • PC member of the 10th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR- 06), UK, June 2006.
  • PC member of the International Symposium on Practical Cognitive Agents and Robots, Perth, Australia, November 2006.
  • Co-Chair of the 7th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense-05), Corfu, Greece, May 2005.
  • PC member of the 9th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2004), Whistler, Canada, June 2004.
  • PC member of the 6th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning (Commonsense03), Palo Alto, USA, March 2003.
  • PC member of the 8th (Europe) Conference on Electronic Commerce (CollECTeR (Europe) 2003), Galway, Ireland, June 2003.
  • PC member of the 8th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2002), Toulouse, France, April 2002.
  • PC member of the 7th (Europe) Conference on Electronic Commerce (CollECTeR (Europe) 2002), Toulouse, France, April 2002.
  • PC member of the 11th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Brisbane, Australia, July 1998.
  • PC member of the 4th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, Australia, August 1996.

Οργάνωση Ημερίδων

  • PC member of the 9th International Workshop of Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC-11), held in conjunction with the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, July
  • PC member of the 8th International Workshop of Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC-09), held in conjunction with the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pasadena, USA, July
  • PC member of the session on Action and Belief Change at the 20th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR’2008), Sydney, Australia, September
  • Co-Chair of the 7th International Workshop of Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC-07), held in conjunction with the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hyderabad, India, January
  • PC member of the 6th International Workshop of Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC-05), held in conjunction with the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, UK, August
  • Co-Chair of the 5th Workshop of Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change, held in conjunction with the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Acapulco, Mexico, August
  • PC member of the session Changing and Integrating Information: From Theory to Practice at the 9th Nonmonotonic Reasoning Workshop (NMR’2002), Toulouse, France, April 2002.
  • PC member of the 4th Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change, held in conjunction with the 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, USA, August 2001.
  • PC member of the session on Belief Revision: Theory and Practice at the 8th International Workshop on Non- Monotonic Reasoning (NMR’2000), Colorado, USA, April 2000.
  • PC member of the session Belief Revision, at the 7th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR’1998), Trento, Italy, 1998.
  • Workshops Co-Chair of the 4th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, Australia, August
  • PC member of the 2nd International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change, held in conjunction with the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Nagoya, Japan, August
  • PC member of the 2nd Australian Workshop on Commonsense Reasoning, held in conjunction with the 10th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Perth, Australia, December 1997.
  • Chair of the 1st Australian Workshop on Commonsense Reasoning, held in conjunction with the Eighth Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canberra, Australia, November 1995.
  • PC member of the 1st International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change, held in conjunction with the 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Canada, August

Προσκεκλημένες Ομιλίες

  • 5th Knowledge Representation Conventicle, held in conjunction with the 16th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Fiji, 2019.
  • 1st Congress of Greek Mathematicians, Special session on “Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics”, June
  • 9th Workshop on Hybrid Reasoning for Intelligent Systems, Leipzig, Germany, 12-13 June
  • 1ο Θερινό Σχολείο Διαχείρισης Γνώσης και Πληροφορίας, Σάμος,
  • 4th Panhellenic Logic Symposium (PLS2003), Thessalonica, Greece, July,
  • Mini-course on Belief Revision. Australian Logic Summer School, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, January (1996, 1997).

Επιτηρητής Υποψηφίων Διδακτόρων

  • Θεοφάνης Αραβανής, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών – συν-επιβλέπων με Γ. Σταματίου (αποφοίτησε το 2019).
  • Βασίλης Γιαννόπουλος, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών (αποφοίτησε το 2015).
  • Αναστάσιος Φωτεινόπουλος, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών (αποφοίτησε το 2010).
  • Mikhail Prokopenko, Macquarie University (αποφοίτησε το 2002 – βασικός επιβλέ έως την αποχώρησή μου από το Macquarie University).

Υπηρεσίες στην Ερευνητική Κοινότητα

  • Αξιολογητής για ερευνητικές προτάσεις στο Australian Research
  • Reviewer για σειρά επιστημονικών περιοδικών και συνεδρίων (όπως τα AIJ, JAIR, IJCAI, ECAI, KR, κλπ).
  • Εξωτερικός εξεταστής για διδακτορικές διατριβές σε Ελληνικά και ξένα πανεπιστήμια.




Guest Editor σε Διεθνή Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά

  1. McIlraith, P. Peppas, and M. Thielscher (eds), “Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning” (special issue), vol. 17(5), Journal of Logic and Computation, Oxford University Press, 2007.
  2. Brewka and P. Peppas (eds), “Reasoning about Action and Change” (special issue), Studia Logica, vol.79(1), Feb 2005.

Editor σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίων/Ημερίδων

  1. Drossos, P. Peppas, and C. Tsinakis (eds), Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, Greece, University of Patras Publications, 2009.
  2. Karol, Peppas, and M.-A. Williams (eds), Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change, India, AAAI Press, 2007.
  3. Penserini, P. Peppas, and A. Perini, Proceedings of the 3rd Starting AI Researchers’ Symposium, Italy, IOS Press, 2006.
  4. Brewka and P. Peppas (eds), Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change, Mexico, AAAI Press, 2003.
  5. Antoniou, N. Foo, C. MacNish, P Peppas, R. Stanton, and M.-A. Williams (eds.), Proceedings of the First Australian Workshop on Commonsense Reasoning, Australia, 1995.

Κεφάλαια σε Βιβλία

  1. Peppas, “A Panorama of Iterated Revision”, Outstanding Contributions to Logic, vol 3., S. O. Hansson (Ed), Springer, 2014.
  2. Peppas, “Belief Revision”, Handbook of Knowledge Representation, F. van Harmelen, V. Lifschitz, and B. Porter (Eds), Elsevier Publications, 2008.

Άρθρα σε Διεθνή Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά

  • Aravanis, P. Peppas, and M.-A. Williams, “A Study on Possible-World Semantics of Relevance-Sensitive Belief Revision”, Journal of Logic and Computation, Oxford University Press (accepted for publication).
  • Prokopenko, M. Harré, J. Lizier, F. Boschetti, P. Peppas, and S. Kauffmane, “Self-referential basis of undecidable dynamics: From the Liar paradox and the halting problem to the edge of chaos”, Physics of Life Reviews, Elsevier, 2019.
  • Aravanis, P. Peppas, and M-A Williams, “Full Characterization of Parikh’s Relevance-Sensitive Axiom for Belief Revision”, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2019.
  • Aravanis, P. Peppas, and M-A Williams, “An investigation of parametrized difference revision operators”, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 2019.
  • Delgrande, P. Peppas, and S. Woltran, “General Belief Revision”, Journal of the ACM, vol 65(5), pp 14-36, 2018.
  • D. Reis, E. Ferme, and P. Peppas, “Construction of System of Spheres-based Transitively Relational Partial Meet Multiple Contractions: An impossibility Result”, Artificial Intelligence vol 233, pp 122-141, 2016.
  • Peppas, M.-A. Williams, S. Chopra, and N. Foo, “Relevance in Belief Revision”, Artificial Intelligence vol 229, pp 126-138, 2015.
  • Delgrande and P. Peppas, “Belief Revision in Horn Theories”, Artificial Intelligence, vol. 218, pp 1-22, 2015.
  • Reis, P. Peppas, and E. Ferme, “Two Axiomatic Characterizations for the System of Spheres-based (and the Epistemic Entrenchment-based) Multiple Contractions”, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, April 2015.
  • Peppas, C. Koutras, and M.-A. Williams, “Maps in Multiple Belief Change”, vol. 13(4), ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2012.
  • Peppas, “Comparative Possibility in Set Contraction”, Journal of Philisophical Logic, vol. 41(1), pp. 53-75, 2012.
  • Koutras, Ch. Nomikos, and P. Peppas, “On a Simple 3-valued Modal Language and a 3-valued Logic of ‘not- fully-justified’ Belief”, Logic Journal of the IGPL, vol. 16(6), pp. 591-604, Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Stavrinoudis, M. Xenos, P. Peppas, and D. Christodoulakis, “Early Estimation of User’s Perception of Software Quality”, Software Quality Journal, pp. 155-175, vol. 13(2), Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2005.
  • Peppas, “The Limit Assumption and Multiple Revision”, Journal of Logic and Computation, pp. 355-371, vol.14(3), Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • Koutras, A. Gaga, and P. Peppas, “Conciseness Considerations on Logics of Action”, Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 13(1), Freund & Pettman, 2004.
  • Tselekidis, P. Peppas, and M. Williams, “Belief Revision and Organizational Knowledge Dynamics”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, pp 914-923, vol 54, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
  • Α. Nayak, Pagnucco, and P. Peppas, “Dynamic Belief Change Operators”, Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier Science Publishers, pp 193-228, vol 146, 2003.
  • Koutras, Ch. Nomikos, and P. Peppas, “Canonicity and Completeness Results for Many-Valued Modal Logics”, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, Iditions Hermès, pp 7-41, vol 12(1), 2002.
  • Koutras and P. Peppas, “Weaker Axioms, More Ranges”, Fundamenta Informaticae, Polish Mathematical Society, pp 293-319, vol 51(3), 2002.
  • Peppas, C. Koutras, and M. Williams, “Prolegomena to Concise Theories of Action”, Studia Logica, pp 403-418, vol. 67(3), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
  • Foo and P. Peppas, “Realization for Causal Nondeterministic Input-Output Systems”, Studia Logica, pp 419- 437, vol. 67(3), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
  • Peppas, N. Foo, and A. Nayak, “Measuring Similarity in Belief Revision”, Journal of Logic and Computation, Oxford University Press, vol. 10(4), 2000.
  • Peppas, N. Foo and M. Williams, “On the Expressibility of Propositions”, Logique et Analyse, vol. 139-149, pp 251-272, 1995.
  • Peppas and M. Williams, “Constructive Modelings for Theory Change”, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, vol. 36, Num. 1, pp. 120-133, 1995.

Άρθρα σε Πρακτικά Διεθνών Συνεδρίων

  • Aravanis, P. Peppas and M-A Williams, “Modelling Belief Revision Functions at Extended Languages”, 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2020), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 2020.
  • Aravanis, P. Peppas and M-A Williams, “Observations on the Darwiche and Pearl’s Approach for Iterated Belief Revision”, 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2019), Macao, China, 2019.
  • Peppas and M-A Williams, “Parametrised Difference Revision”, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2018), Tempe, USA, 2018.
  • Delgrande and P. Peppas, “Incorporating Relevance in Epistemic States in Belief Revision”, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2018), Tempe, USA, 2018.
  • Aravanis, K. Demiris, and P. Peppas, “Legal reasoning in Answer Set Programming”, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2018), short paper, pp. 302 – 306, Volos, Greece, November 5 – 7, 2018.
  • Aravanis, P. Peppas, and M.-A. Williams, “Epistemic Entrenchment Characterization of Parikh’s Axiom”, Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’17), Melbourne, 2017.
  • Billingsley, J. Billingsley, P. Gärdenfors, P. Peppas, H. Prade, D. Skillicorn, M.-A. Williams, “The Altruistic Robot: Do What I Want, Not Just What I Say”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, Springer, pp. 149-162, Granada, 2017.
  • Peppas, and M.-A. Williams, “Kinetic Consistency and Relevance in Belief Revision”, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA-2016), Larnaca, Cyprus, November 2016.
  • Peppas, and M.-A. Williams, “Belief Change and Semiorders”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2014), Vienna, Austria, July 2014.
  • Peppas, and M.-A. Williams, “Constructive Models for Contraction with Intransitive Plausibility Indifference”, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA-2014), Madeira, September 2014.
  • Delgrande, P. Peppas, and S. Woltran “AGM-style Belief Revision of Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2013), Corunna, Spain, 2013.
  • Peppas, C. Koutras, and M.-A. Williams, “From Finite to Infinite Belief Contraction”, 11th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of CommonSense Reasoning, Agia Napa, Cyprus, May 2013.
  • Delgrande and P. Peppas, “Revising Horn Theories”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’11), pp. 839-844, Barcelona, 2011.
  • Peppas, A Fotinopoulos and S Seremetaki, “Conflicts between Relevance-Sensitive and Iterated Belief Revision”, Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’08), Patras, pp. 85-88, 2008.
  • Foo, P. Peppas, and Y. Zhang, “Action Invariants and System Constraints in STRIPS”, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of CommonSense Reasoning, Corfu, Greece, May 2005.
  • Foo, P. Peppas, “System Properties of Action Theories”, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation: 13th International Conference on AI, Simulation, Planning in High Autonomy Systems (AIS 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, vol. 3397/2005, Jeju Island, Korea, Oct. 2004.
  • Foo, P. Peppas, “Systems Theory: Melding the AI and Simulation Perspectives”, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation: 13th International Conference on AI, Simulation, Planning in High Autonomy Systems (AIS 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, vol. 3397/2005, Jeju Island, Korea, Oct. 2004.
  • Foo, P. Peppas, and Y. Zhang, “Constraints from STRIPS – Preliminary Report”, Proceedings of the 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, Australia, 2004.
  • Peppas, S. Chopra, and N. Foo, “Distance Semantics for Relevance-Sensitive Belief Revision”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2004), Whistler, Canada, June 2004.
  • Tselekidis, P. Peppas, and M. Williams, “Agent-Oriented Knowledge Management”, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities, Athens, Greece, April 2002.
  • Pagnucco and P. Peppas, “Causality and Minimal Change Demystified”, Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’01), Morgan Kaufmann, Seattle, USA, August 2001.
  • Prokopenko, M. Pagnucco, P. Peppas, and A. Nayak, “A Unified Semantics for Causal Ramifications”, Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, August 2000.
  • Peppas, M. Pagnucco, M. Prokopenko, N. Foo, and A. Nayak, “Preferential Semantics for Causal Systems”, Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’99), Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 118-123, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1999.
  • Stavrinoudis, M. Xenos, P. Peppas, and D. Christodoulakis, “Measuring User’s Perception and Opinion of Software Quality”, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Software Quality, ADV-Verlag, pp. 229-237, Vienna, Austria, April 1999.
  • Prokopenko, M. Pagnucco, P. Peppas, and A. Nayak, “Causal Propagation Semantics – A Study”, Proceedings of the 12th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Sydney, Australia, December 1999.
  • Foo, Y. Zhang, P. Peppas, M. Pagnucco, and A. Nayak, “Action Localness, Genericity and Invariants in STRIPS”, Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’97), Morgan Kaufmann, Nagoya, Japan, August 1997.
  • Foo, Y. Zhang, and P. Peppas, “Inductive Properties of States”, Proceedings of the 10th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Perth, Australia, December 1997.
  • Peppas , M. Pagnucco, M. Prokopenko, N. Foo. “Preferential Semantics for Causal Fixpoints”, Proceedings of the 10th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 197-206, Perth, Australia, December 1997.
  • Peppas, “Well Behaved and Multiple Belief Revision”, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’96), Wiley & Sons, pp. 90-94, Budapest, 1996.
  • Peppas, “PMA Epistemic Entrenchments: The General Case”, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’96), Wiley & Sons, pp. 85-89, Budapest, 1996.
  • Peppas, A. Nayak, M. Pagnucco, N. Foo, R. Kwok, and M. Prokopenko, “Revision vs Update: Taking a Closer Look”, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’96), Wiley & Sons, pp. 95-99, Budapest, 1996.
  • Α. Nayak, M. Pagnucco, N. Foo, and P. Peppas, “Learning From Conditionals: Judy Benjamin’s Other Problems”, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’96), Wiley & Sons, 75-79, Budapest, 1996.
  • Zowghi, A. Ghose and P. Peppas, “A Framework for Reasoning about Requirements Evolution”, Proceedings of the 4th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Cairns, 1996.
  • Foo, P. Peppas, and Y. Zhang, “Towards a Calculus for Invariant Extraction”, Proceedings of the 8th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, World Scientific, Canberra, 1995.
  • Peppas, “Epistemic Entrenchment and the Possible Models Approach”, in Xin Yao (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 203-210, World Scientific, Canberra, 1995.
  • Doherty and P. Peppas, “A Comparison between Two Approaches to Ramification: PMON(R) and AR0” in Xin Yao (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, World Scientific, pp. 267- 274, Canberra, 1995.
  • Foo and P. Peppas, “Primitive Events”, Proceedings of the 7th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, World Scientific, Armidale, 1994.
  • Peppas and W. Wobcke, “On the use of Epistemic Entrenchment in Reasoning about Action”, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’92), John Wiles and Sons, pp. 403-407, Vienna, 1992.
  • Peppas, N. Foo and W. Wobcke, “Events as Theory Operators”, Proceedings of the 1st World Conference on the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, Angkor, pp. 413-426, Paris, 1991.