Hera Antonopoulou holds a BSc. in Mathematics from Department of Mathematics and PhD. from Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics of the University of Patras in Greece. Since 2019, is a Full Professor in the Department of Management Science and Technology of the University of Patras. Also, is Director of the Laboratory of Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation with the acronym E.D.I. Lab (International title: Entrepreneurship & Digital Innovation Lab). Regarding administrative positions, she was Vice-President of the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Patras, Chairman of the Research Committee of the same institution and also Deputy Rector of Academic Affairs of Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece. Her Academic experience is long lasting in Higher Education at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Level. As far as her research interests are concerned, these are: Mathematical Logic, ICT in Education, Online learning platforms, Learning Theories, Adult and Lifelong education, Intersection of Technology and Learning, Protection of Individual Privacy in the Information Society, Programming & Applications in various fields of knowledge as well as in business and education, issues of Organizational Behavior Management and Leadership in Business Administration. Additionally, she has published over 100 original publications in international journals and conferences and has authored 5 books.
Hera Antonopoulou
Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics of the University of Patras
Ε-mail: hera@upatras.gr